Monday, November 10, 2008

Death of yet another "love"

Sighz... my 2nd hampster died yesterday afternoon... my mom saw her alive in the morning..but when i get to her cage in the afternoon she was dead and have about 4-5 flies flying on top of her...guess she died of old age/boredom... which boredom is the killer for a hampster i guess.....her companion died serveral month earlier then her ... fei fei ... the one that died yesterday was call toot both shall be missed...this i promise you...

Recently there's not really much update in my blog after my genting trip cause mostly everything is the same every day....i guess my job is getting stale ...and those RT and the reservisit upcoming have dampen my mood even more....

Any Mahjong guys recently if got please msn me hehe... now everyday reach home play perfectworld and watch mio tv... GF in bangkok sighz... bored....

If u guys remember i say i will get a car once i pass my TP...but now i already pass but i havent got a car...due to.. the stupid ecnomic downturn...
1)I can afford a car
2)i can afford the OPC road tax +Car tax
3)But i will have problem handling the insurance
4)The car i buy will not be a high end or mid end car (Perodua Kelisa)
5)90% of my friends ask me not to buy
6)Mix feeling now

Thats what going on my head recently also sighz...

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