Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Minor Update..

Just notice that i have very little post in the month of Oct....mainly is due to 3 issue...

1)RT ( Mon Wed Sat )
2)PW ( Everyday )
3)Lack of sleep ( Due to reason 1 & 2 )

I will be going to Genting this friday... and on that day something will happen too ... yeah my TP ...again... seriously for the past 1 month i have totally no mood in driving at all...actually i dun really care if i pass or fail compare to the first few month of siao on i had.. when i started to learn driving ... i guess... when i am into R/s + Gaming.. nothing else matters to me anymore... i hate it...but i'm too addicted into R/s and gaming... sigh... dunno what i can do except pray that my driving can do miracle....without driving one month

Work wise...still ok la... nothing much to say about work

Well i guess my next post will either me the day i go genting or when i come back from genting.... cya all ..wish me luck if there is someone reading this post :)

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