Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Yes ...Yes and triple Yes!! and some minor no...

Finally there are good news and a slight bad news....revolving me for the past 7 days or so.....
the good news are.... I finally pass my TP!!!!! and i just come back from my genting trip and also upgrade my pc to core 2 duo 3gig mhz pc ..while the bad news are... my old pc kaboom again on me..and my data are in a limbo now as i need a ext casing hdd to retrieve them and i lost all msn icon and also.... the new pc i got is actually incomplete as of now due to the guy who install me charge me 65 dollar for the so call "OEM" winxp but... there's still this 30 days valiaite problem which he promise to solve for me... please... i know ur using either a fake Winxp or your own winxp..and its already validiated lo... lets see how u solve it -_- worest to worest ..refund me i upgrade to Vista -.-...if anyone reading this can help me "solve" this 30 day validiation problem for winxp service pack 2 .. kindly email me or msn me at the same address thx!

I will post me and my gf pic soon and my genting pic too this weekend when i got those photos :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Minor Update..

Just notice that i have very little post in the month of Oct....mainly is due to 3 issue...

1)RT ( Mon Wed Sat )
2)PW ( Everyday )
3)Lack of sleep ( Due to reason 1 & 2 )

I will be going to Genting this friday... and on that day something will happen too ... yeah my TP ...again... seriously for the past 1 month i have totally no mood in driving at all...actually i dun really care if i pass or fail compare to the first few month of siao on i had.. when i started to learn driving ... i guess... when i am into R/s + Gaming.. nothing else matters to me anymore... i hate it...but i'm too addicted into R/s and gaming... sigh... dunno what i can do except pray that my driving can do miracle....without driving one month

Work wise...still ok la... nothing much to say about work

Well i guess my next post will either me the day i go genting or when i come back from genting.... cya all ..wish me luck if there is someone reading this post :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New music updated

Just a small update.. change the music of my player in blog... ignore the starting loud music and the entire song is actually very nice :)

Shag...and very shag

..Recently i dun even have the strength to actually wake up due to the fact i dun need to say those who know me will understand...... well for those who dunno .. RT + PW .... RT they change their training is x3 harder then normal even if u keng..also abit more things to do le... since now phrase 2 .. mon , wed, sat...ccb.... PW .... 5x le..aiming for 6x hh60 abit tired too...haiz...hopefully can relax as time gone by......

On the lighter note...i bought genting ticket for 24.25.26 of oct .. 2D 1N at first world hotel....the bad thing cost 303 instead of the usual 200 like that due to super peak period rate on that specific weekend but i guess going for a vacation is nice..considering i have been shouting for one for 3-4 month and no one wanna go till my dearie promise to go with me :)

The end of the yr is i promise myself to tied up most of the loose end by this year i will keep to that promise and will attempt to solve whatever problem there is be it home or wherever by dec 31 2008....:)

Thats all for now ..:)