Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Virgo Guy

hmm..recently while surfing forum i happen to chance upon this topic Virgo Guy... so since i'm "a" virgo guy i was curious and click on it to see what ppl say about us....and heres some of the traits i got via forum

Virgo Guy

Perfectionist ( in areas they like i.e R/s , Games , Hobby or work)
Flirt when single
Faithful once committed
Not romantic
Good Friend
Good Chatter
Good Hubby Bad BF

This are the General traits i get via the forums i been thru and i could say i sort of agree to most of the traits....though i wont tell u which i dun =X .....but i guess this is really as close as what u can get to what to do u expect of a Virgo Guy...so if ur looking for a Virgo Guy be sure to know they are boring but faithful!! muahahaha

Grr i sprain my hand again...and it hurt like hell and i got RT this evening... i guess i had to go over there tell them i'm injure and i cant take part in the training and maybe i can leave early hehehe since i cant run as the moving of my hand hurt me ...neither i can do any upper limb exercise so i'm bascially handicapped >_<...

Just check on the latest fuel prices...its insane...even if my parent buy me a 2nd hand car.. i doubt i can handle the fuel ...etc taxes liao...sigh....how can i own a car like that... why dun amercia just go bomb the hell out of those oil controlling company and make them know they are creating world wide problems ..

July le...5 more month 2008 will be gone and 2009 will be here le... times really flies as u grew older....i dun wanna be 30 so soon... i wanna remain 25 forever~ ... just like Alan tam.... forever 25~~...

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