Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Its been awhile......

yup its been awhile since i last posted due to uneventful weeks of nothing .... yeap u heard me .. nothing... except for the fact that i was defaulted for my RT due to injury....and i had to appeal wif a half page composition to Mindef before they manage to relieve me of my charges and put my RT on sept 6.... (after my bday on the 2nd) meaning i had to do 4 month of RT from the time period of Sept 2008 - Sept 2009 .... duhz........

Work wise..all is well.....but getting more and more insomnia night...dunno why maybe i nap too much in the evening.... 8pm-1030pm daily nap causing my night sleep to get affected ba... >_<... and getting weird dream like... having a sort of pinic on the 25th storey of the building and leaving my hp there...and going back to find it after 3 days.... the strange thing was... the phone is my previous phone ipaq 6828...... now why do i dream of my old phone..... strange dream... and no one clean the 25th floor after 3 days..... :/

Personal life...well social life is starting to brighten up ..constant bowling session and movie will perk me up...other then that there's always DOTA in the evening to pass time....

Well thats all for now...cant seem to blog anymore now...too tired...its a rainy day and i really dun feel like working today lol..

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