Saturday, May 17, 2008

Very Sentimental News on channel 8

I just saw a very sentimental news on channel 8 news... a mother protect her children by kneeing and using her body protect the baby from the crushing pain of fallen building in sichuan earthquake..when the soldier reaches them.... the mother is dead..and when they are about to move on .. when they heard baby crying ...and found out that the mother is protecting the baby and baby is totally unharmed!..beside the baby was a handphone with this sms in chinese " Dear son .. i hope you will be alive mother love you " when i saw the sms .. i broke down in tears....yes... a guy who is going to be 28 yr old this year break down in tears... i never let such news make me cry far this is the first and only news which immediately make my tear flow down.... i cant stop the tear neither i know why my tears come out so easily never happen before...i cant explain it... my eye is still red now ..

I guess the only explaination i had for this is.. deep down every human being...we feel pain for every living being matter how hard we try to hide it ..we cannot hide the fact that we are emotional being wif the heart to care for one another despite we dun know the other party.... quite sad... now guess i will end my post for today....

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