Friday, May 23, 2008

This week's update

As you can see i never update this week due to a couple of reason mainly i wanna update it once at a go and also ..most of the the post i post aint worth one post anyway so all will be updated at a go now....

For monday and tuesday nothing much happen mainly working till 6pm though alot of work for this week due to purchasing of new pc from dell and also some upgrade of ram and volker from switzerland ..( Habasit IT dept from switerzland is coming down) i had to setup some stuff for he is giving talk on how to use Navision system ...and oh ya... we sold off some old pc and laptop to the pc collector and i gotten 140 buck..which i use 70 buck to treat the collegue and keep the remaining rest =x.... hey! boss ask me keep one hor

Wednesday and thursday been busy going to BBDC for pracitcal lesson to horn my driving.. next week i will be in stage 2 le.. no more noob training in circuit or instructor helping me check blind spot etc le.. so i must buck up and clear all the easy and basic training before i go Stage 2....and i sprain my hand on tuesday night :(..bascially my hand cant twisted for the entire wednesday till thursday morning sigh... >_< it still hurt now ..but not as much....

Friday..ahh..the big day ... i taken half day off... cause i gonna have my final theory exam on 3.15pm-415pm... when i reach BBDC at 235pm..i was strangely calm... everyone was reading their final theory book...and i was the only one listening to music standing beside the TP counter ...i feel very relax...maybe i study too much till " Go fire into devil " <== translate to chinese :P .... when i begin answering the qns... its was like systematic hand never stop clicking on the answer... ( 90% of the question can be found on ) ...if u wanna pass 12.90 .. for the FTT qns it everyday and i ensure you u definately pass even without reading those booklet.... anyway .. i did all my qns in abt 13-14min ...about the same time as i did for my BTT ... i click end test... there was a 3 second lag.... my heart was thumping... then the big word PASSED appear on my screen .. my heart jump with joy.. the chinese guy on my left and a malay girl on my right look on my screen with those expression like so fast sia got check or not .... no i did not bother to do double check cause ... i'm 100% sure of my answer... i need no do double checking..if ur god damm sure ...dun do double checking cause it will make u doubt ur ans...and u might change a correct ans to a wrong one.. but thats my point of view...dun use it at other exam hor :P

I immediately went to the customer service counter to update my FTT pass date and went over to the pc to book for a TP date A.S.A.P... when i login to my account....while waiting for it to load...the guy beside me was considering whether to book the earliest date AUG 18 and follow Aug 28.... i think to myself ...AUG 18 ..earliest date dun click dun click i want tat date!!!... when the pc log into my acc i immediately click Practical Test etc and submit the Aug 18 as my TP date....SUCCESSFUL ...when i log out ...he click the AUG 18 ...and the system told him the date is not avaliable anymore lol =x.... lucky me right .... however i might shift the date even earlier depending on how "fast" i can finish my 30 lesson ba.. eheh so happy now.. .tonight got another driving lesson... must jiayou le ~~~~~


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