Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A song i love sung by 游鸿明 ( original song by Jacky cheung )

一个人要走多远 历经多少沧桑才会累 什么地方才是家 为了谁才留下 一个人要想多久 历经多少挫折才会懂 不再轻易掉眼泪 不再轻易说今生 无悔无怨 用一生做誓言为谁放弃一切 我不再是我 谁又是谁 别问我的伤 别问我的痛 别问我的心中是否在流血 别问我是否心已碎别问酒逢故人醉不醉 别问我的苦 别问我的悲 别问我的流浪是否很疲惫 别问我是否还有泪别问魂萦旧梦对不对也别问我会不会

This song is a very realistic song about life... it tell how cruel life is in another prespective....how many time must u fall down before u learn not to fall down again or understand whats pain is......sometime when i set my mp3 to play music and randomly play until this song.. i will almost stop and listen to the lyric for awhile before engaging on watever thing i do..although Jacky Cheung is the original singer... i prefer 游鸿明 's voice for this song....

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