Monday, April 28, 2008

Day Dreaming @ Work

Today seems to be an extreme relax day for me at work..... 9am reach chat wif collegue till she went for meeting with the bosses and bascially 80% of the company .. leaving me ,3customer service support and 1 receptionist in the office ....nothing to do..not gaming.. been surfing youtube listening to oldies music... i must say i quite enjoy the oldies ...haha....a few song actually touch me in a way...especially 1986's TOTO - I'll be over you and Circle in the sand by Belinda......which kinda remind me back to the days when i'm 9 - 10 yr old .. listening to teenager songs and actually singing with the rythme...hahah...

I still remember vividly what i did during tat times... my trip to primary frens...the things we did...i still even remember the first fight i got into at school....and my first first hair cut in sch etc... seems i only got bad things to say ..nothing good >_< guess i'm not a good student ba....never was.... Those are happy memories recent years happy memories are hard to come by...we should learn to cherish memories that keep us happy in our daily life... cherish the time u spend doing things u like , cherish the things that make u happy and last but not least cherish the loves one that help you thru difficult times especially family...or spouse...

Suddenly i feel like going back china village for a couple of days to stay there ...its been 12 years since i last went back....i love the temperature there...4am the sun comes up ... 5pm the sun set.... temp at 12pm is 26 degree...u will never get sunburn there even if ur in the sun all day was simplier then.....during my 10 day stay there...though i hate the occasional flies bugging me ...

Guess i shall stop here ... the time is still morning... looking forward to may 1st enjoy at least a day off.... getting kinda up tight due to pushing myself to do stuffs i have been escaping for the past few yrs...hopefully everything will be fine by the end of Aug....i really hope so...

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