Monday, January 17, 2011

Life perking up?

Woo long time no post..but suddenly wanna post something that had happen to me gradually this few month maybe 1 year?

Recently i feel my life have changed for the better .....the sai kang that always revolved around me are no longer my "duty"

Sai kang.. what kind?

In the olden days, i was always task to do this and that despite having lots of ppl to choose from .. i will always be one of them

If there is things to be move be it cupboard/etc ... even if its not my job scope i will be involved yet again

Duties posted on uneven hours will always have my name on it...

The Current me.

Now i'm the one tasking ppl to move/throw stuff
Cupboard/Chair no longer ppl come find me to throw/move .. those ppl below are task to do...
Duties on uneven hours no longer affect me and if they should i will get days off etc which is even better

Seems times have changed for the better i'm no longer the Sai kang parties..and the only thing that remind me of one (NS) is no longer much of a issue should i survice next yr deferment :)

Thats all ^_^ "

just wanna rant out this on blog nia :P

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