Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lack of update

Sorry dearest blog.. no time no update you....was busy... yes gaming Aika... :(

Long Story short ..since this blog is doubled as my diary of some sort to keep me update on some of the key stuff in my life i will update here on what i have done for the past 1 month or so:)

1)Bought our ROM rings etc :) finally we found something we both sort of like and got it:)
2)Our Appliciation of BTO house fails again..WTF... 4 time in a row liao Damm the PRC and the government pro foreigner scheme.. we the REAL singaporeans are suffering !.. Remind me NOT to vote the you know who during the next election which is coming!
3)A short trip to Genting.. nothing much have change there... never get to visit any place on genting..very sad...time constraint etc haiz.. only 1 day ( 3/4 of a day trip )
4)Paid up my road tax , Car insurance , check up etc at a go... all my money gone!!! so sad
5)Will be trying to make a Universal studio trip this coming 2 week time.. wanna bring my piggy out to play :)

Thats about wad happen :) hopefully i will try to update more often ...but no promises to my blog ^_^"

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