Monday, August 3, 2009

Your Personal Space..

I came to realise why ppl especially guys like to own a car... its that personal space you own and control that give you the yearn to have one...

In a middle of a traffic jam, you can relax in an air condition environment maybe drinking some drink and listening to ur favourite dun feel the heat nor the sound outside.. you have a perfect space just dedicated for you and best of all... its follow wherever you go...

After a tired jog or movie or a crowd CNY new celebration or christmas etc...with ppl swarming you..where can you find a place that you can sit down relax and no one pushing you around?? Your personal space..the car...or where can you take a quick nap in town area without ppl disturbing you?? your personal space again the car.....

It a good investment for ppl who want personal space wherever you go...and its not purely for transport or showing off..its a space that let you relax and rest and escape from the crowd as well!

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