Monday, August 24, 2009


Omg ..its been a while since i last update the blog..and yes i am still alive..and kicking... hee..reason been out of date is due to gaming.. yes i admit Runes of Magic got me so hook that i never even login to Facebook when i'm home..and thats is a fucking rare thing considering i check it everyday prior runes of magic... so u know how hook i am to this game

Hmm what should i blog about now... ok ..lets blog about what will happen within this few week time..

I will be going to Autobac this sat to check on my car plus buy wiper... and etc for my car.. i havent got a check on my car since i last bought it...its time to do that and the wiper is out of rubber too....need change.. money money fly away...first maintaince on my car..

Next month gonna plan a vacation with gf ...this one will be quite a few day since i want to go abroad more now..hee

2 Movies that i really like to watch ... Year 1 and Final Destination 4 is if u guys are watching drop me a line!

My Birthday is coming...~~ where is my gift gift~~ lalalaa

Last but not least this blog is still alive although i'm runes of magicing..i am constantly upgrading this no worry hee..


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