Monday, August 31, 2009

One of the Most "exciting" day in my life

Hahahaa.. yup yesterday was one of the most exciting day of my life...
why? u may ask and my gf..........

sign up for a photo shoot in Taiwan!
Yes Taiwan..and no... we are not engaged/married yet *LOL* talk about too fast too furious...
anyway...we took the package after listening to the lady for like 1 hr..showing us all those photos etc and explaining the package...guess we were tempted by it upfront downpayment of $1800 non-refundable

I will not say how much the entire package cost me but i will break down what our package covers

2 Night Taiwan Hotel Stay
Stylist/photographer x 1
Props included FOC except balloons
Multiple location in either North Eastern / South taiwan
50 Selected photos on 18inch and 12 inch book
300 cute bookmark with our face on it ( can be used for wedding gift )
A couple of deco freebies
A CD-Rom of all the photos
A Big photo frames + a pic of ur selection tat can be used to hung on top of our bed
Large selection of Wedding growns to choose from and they are very pretty ( This is the one big reason my dearie is tempted as well cause most of the growns cannot be found in sg one )
VIP Room to change/select grown ( No one is allowed into the room )

Non included ( Have to pay)
2 Ticket to taiwan for 3 day as you need 3 day to finalise everything
3 night in taiwan is paid by ownself as they only cover 2 days .. ( Actually is 3 days one ..but we got free upgrade of photos and extra bookmark etc so... they reduce 1 day stay hee )
Additional photos out of the 50 photo is subjected to extra..but not much
Extra CD rom = extra charges

Well thats about it hahhaa... feeling very excited...and at the same time confused where to start.... this package is valid for 5 we need to plan when to take the photo shoot... i suggested that maybe we can take the photo shoot in advance ..even before ROM since... there is no rules to state that we cant do them first before ROM.. we can be SPECIAL and UNIQUE compare to other couple =p ... but next year we going Redang... so dunno when we can go taiwan take lo... this is the brain headache part.....

Oi~ dearie when u want ROM? hahahah =x

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