Tuesday, May 19, 2009

That time of the month again

Yes i'm having that time of the month again..and no i'm not bleeding and its not PMS!! Its just mood swing..

Recently @ work,due to the econmic downturn...3 staff have tendered and this result in the company getting especially quiet (because those tendered are the talkative bunch)and because of that the company now become especially quiet and boring.......bascially almost all the staff here just do their work and hardly talk to anyone except a few but the company is still like a dead tomb... and having one of my collegue whom always go out wif me to eat/bowling on leave for 2 week doesnt help and i'm bored to the bone here...

Looking forward to this weekend ...as Night at the museum 2 is out... lots of nice movie in the month of may-june... $$ all gone liao

Thats all for todays post...ciaoz

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