Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Good morning

Good morning peeps...actually there is nothing to blog today but just feel like blogging so i login to try to blog something whatever that comes into my mind right now.. all i can think of now is Dota , Gf and 6pm off work.. and "hao jian" .. guess there's nothing much to think of right now...

I'm extremely tired now due to those coughing medicine which i have been drinking daily for the past 3 day...every time i drink one of those.. my whole body sort of become slight numb and dizziness/drowniess kind of feeling ...and i will get very very very dizzy and tired....

Did i mention i'm very very hungry now too..guess i will have to walk out of the office to have my early lunch ..gonna go alone as my usual gay fren (boon hai) is on leave 2 week for his studies....wont be back till 21th

Oh yeah Star Trek the movie... its nice but i still don't believe USS Kelvin house more then 800 passenger when the USS Enterprise of that era house only 100++ and USS Kelvin doesnt look any bigger then USS Enterprise and i don't even think its a colony ship to begin with... guess this is one strange issue i have to live with.. other then that the movie pretty good. The movie is tailor for the general crowd rather then the usual Star trek fans/geeks/nerds or whichever you call us.Actions are bountiful and lots of visual effect too and it also show the alternate meetup of all the original series characters though they are non-canon but now...since we are in the alternate timeline..i guess they are now offical ...:( what's gonna happen to the 24 century.. i guess we have to stay tune to the new Star trek movie in the future

I've started Resturant City on Facebook and i going to need alot of Gift and dishes for my new resturant!! don't be shy buy me some resturant warming gifts and also trade some dish help me lvl up.. pretty pls :P

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