Monday, January 12, 2009

2 Good news :) and 2 Bad one :(

Well lets start the ball rolling the 2 good news are ~~~~~~ i finally doll up my car to doremon theme...heheh doremon steering wheel,mirror,handbreak, sticky pad.. i will source for more doremon stuff to cost 270 SGD >_< .....maybe i put those sticker outside my car too wahahah =x ... The 2nd good news is i score 209 for bowling!!! overwriting my personal best of 188 during my secondary 4 days..which was like 12-13 yr ago!! Go to the link below to see !!

Well here comes the bad news :(

1st one.. my deferment tio rejected... if appeal fails.. i will have to go reservist for 13 days feb 2 - 14 .. ccb... i hate mindef!!!! Always bug me wif RT , IPPT , Reservist and those flash on tv must go back kind.. screw u ! _|_ ... the 2nd bad news is .. my car is swarm by ants ...not many..but come in group of 4 at a time...but its on the left hand size of the car... the place i spill coke onto the seat...but we wash it liao yesterday..but so far still got quite a few ants lo...haiz... i ask mom to help me spray bayon today when i go work..hopefully it will stop them from coming to my car and bothering my gf hahah...

This weekend i did enjoy myself especially driving to Geylang,kallang and balesiter..but with the help of GPS la..if not how i reach..despite gps lagging and going the wrong way 3 time before i reach my destination i still manage to i still feel happy haha ..hopefully i got more times in the future to drive further into singapore and enjoy the driving life....ppl may say driving is tiring etc..but for a novice driver...i'm still enjoying my driving and it save me cab money ...and since fuel is cheaper now..its worth it..and i have more place to go at night without the midnight charge restriction~!

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