Monday, August 18, 2008

Tomorrow is the day....

Tomorrow is the day finally....after 3 month and 13 days.... comes TP... for months i have been ranting how i wish TP comes faster...and before i knew it..tomorrow is the day...but sad to say ... it have lost its appeal all of a sudden...sometime i wonder... is it the waiting that make us want the things even more and when it finally came...we finally found out that it isnt as impt as before......

Anyway... tonight i'm gonna have one last revision ( maybe 2 ) to make sure i'm rdy for tml's TP...i guess i need to sleep early too considering i need to be in BBDC by 8am and ... usually i get to boonlay by 835 i need to wait up slightly earlier le...haiz....though tml is off day ... i dun really have tat kind of mood in me now...

now...i also dunno if i wanna buy a 2nd hand car considering that i dun go out often also its gonna be a burden..however with a car i can bring girl out easily also >_< ahhh the irony... lol...i guess i need to buy a very "cheap" car for those occasion and not gonnna go for those "iconic brand" that cost big money

This month is one of the month with those least update to the blog due to...serveral reasons....
2)going out on weekend
3)facebook ( pet for sale and friend for sale program at work )

i will try to update more often :) but just to let those few who visit my site one.. i'm alive..and still be reachable vis MSN as usual hehe

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