Thursday, August 28, 2008

Some answer to question been asked recently

Recently i'm getting alot of question asked about my personal life..okok so i compile a list of question been ask at me recently here goes

1)Are you married ?
Ans : No!

2)Are you in a relationship?
Ans : Yes!

3)Are you getting married soon?
Ans: Not so soon

4)Hows ur driving?
Ans: Dun ask ! #@#@#&^@#

5)Who's the girl
Ans: Someone not from my circle of friends one

6)What you working as now?
Ans:IT desktop exective

7)What are you doing recently?
Ans:Dotaing...WOKFing and ... watching movies alot and of course dating

8)Long time no see u leh up leh!
Ans: Sure ...fix a date with me lo via MSN hahah

9)Are you still cute?
Ans: Of course ..and even cuter then the last time u saw me !

Well here are the 9 most ask qns i have been getting yeah and stop asking the same qns now ok thanks hehe ^_^ \/

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