Tuesday, May 13, 2008

First Night on the road....

Yesterday.......was my first day on the road.....it was my 3rd lesson ( i dun consider my first lesson a lesson since i learn nothing at all from tat instructor ) ..... when i sat on the car .... ( no 99 car btw )....he see my paper slip and say u got pdl? i say yeah ...then show it to him......he say ok..2 lap in circuit and lets go out ...circuit very boring... i was like HUH!?...after that 2 lap....we switch over..he drove outside show me slightly how to drive fast.... then we switch over ..me at the driver seat.....

Maybe yesterday was my lucky day ba... all the traffic is good to me...when i overtake... nothing is behind me.... and when i make left or right turn at road junction ..every car let me turn first... maybe they see i noob ...let me turn first in case i knock their car ba =x.... i even go as fast as 70 km/hr at small road till the instructor say slow down......i drive quite fast ....oh no..if i watch speed racer.. i will drive even faster lo =x...anyway it was a fun experience.... road and circuit really different... on the circuit .. ur restricted by the car in front of u ( alot of car in circuit ) while on the road ... ur really free to do ur stuff.... the only thing i do wrong on the road is my engine stalled once...at traffic light prior reaching back bbdc....other then that my car never stalled.... but i need to improve on my accelerator leg...cause i press too hard when starting my car from gear 1...resulting in a big vrooom sound everytime...

So ... the route was .. Bukit Gombat to Bukit Batok ... to Jurong Hub ..then turn back to Bukit Batok then bukit gombat....so far never do U turn yet..cause never taught to do that yet...the route is quite light traffic so i'm quite all right except when nearing the BBDC.... this instructor keep asking me to overtake all the P plate car say they drive too slow etc -_- ... i think i overtake at least 5-6 car during the ride...so far so good...hopefully i'll improve more to an extend i can drive more smoothly~ jia you Trekker ur damm cute ^_^ \/

For this upcoming few days tuesday , wed i will give myself 2 day off...been too shag recently ..going bbdc...and work... i've been going to work like a zombie and taking occasional 1hr nap in server room due to shag >_<... need more sleep...and if i were still be playing mmorpg...i can tell u i wont even survice a min @ work ..lucky i quit mmorpg before my driving start..hehhe... gonna take nap later..but have to install some program to server first haiz...... need long weekend!

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