Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Promise is Promise

All right... i paid for my driving last month and yet to take any lesson yet..due to the fact that the test is on april 17 like that and i only need to attend 1-2 lesson prior the test...i know i know i need to do it ASAP if not kanna book i jia lat... i promise myself i will go next week to take at least one lesson prior the exam....

Recently been listening to a couple of song and replaying them while i'm sleeping also mainly by justin lo's A song per day and you shine and also another male singer 's 2 song but i dunno the spelling lol .. but the best shld be A song per day by justin lo you can view it here
If you really like his song , do a search for You shine again ... its nice too ^_^"

Nothing much except was cabaling .. lvl 80 cap now ..doing sp skilling now.... and listening to songs... will be going T3 to walk walk this thursday since friday is a holiday hehehe :P

Well gtg.... almost 2 pm gonna cabal @ work ... bad boi hor =x

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