Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The month of March....

Finally after the chinese new year celebration , Genting trips etc... its back to the normal March month of the year....this month i gonna spend 2 days going to sch to finish my basic theroy driving... so i can take my Basic on april 15-21 one of the days ....... feb have been a exciting month for me and now its back to my normal routine for now .. got lots of things i havent do .... RT .... Reservist .... Driving.... which gonna consume alot of my times in the coming months plus the fact i play Cabalsea now ... holy shit .... hopefully time will not be a problem after sept when RT and Reservist would have settled and driving will be 70-90% completed by then ...... and by the end of the year most of my obstacle cleared and start anew yet again

Thats all for now...feeling kinda moody at work today...maybe because i'm slightly sick , tired and cranky now... i gonna take a break bbl

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