Wednesday, May 31, 2023


suddenly i recall i had a blog page like decade ago and guess what.. i decide to type something:) Well times really flies its already 2023 and we just went thru Covid-19 which is definitely something that will appeared in the history book for centuries to come Well nothing much changes..i am still alive, married, working and pretty much gaming as well I'm more of in control of my life now compare to the past but i lack the push to feel happier i guess. Life is boring as Job brought in income needed to survice hence without job i cant live a life i want but in order to do that i need a job abiet boring to make it happen Thinking of travelling again but not sure where i want to go this time.. japan? Korea or back to taiwan for some fried oyster I guess this post is just a simple post to show i'm still alive and kicking and life goes on :)