Monday, August 30, 2010


Long time no update so updating abit here hehe

This coming thursday is my bday liao haiz 30 yr old le.. no more 1 dollar change for me T_T sad sad ;(.... but on a good new is i'm going Genting & KL next long weekend!!! yippy finally some cool air and shopping~

And yes .. our ROM registering is coming soon too *excited* hehehe


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy Aug Day?

Woah.. aug is here... and its damm long since i last blog... apparently...

Well stuff are settled but bad things arrive as well grrr

Things settled
1) RT ( yeah! )
2)GF annivsary/birthday
3)Batam trip

Things not settled
1)Firewall installation due this friday
2)Fucking cheebyez ICT 16 days beginning next yr feb.... ( got this news few days ago )

Other then that nothing much happen ...but the anixerity is building up for my ROM thingie.. should we book chalet or cut cost and do it simple and go for a long holiday...arrgh... headache..
Well there's a chinese saying... " boat reach port will straighten itself " :)