Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Wow..its been one month since i last blog... no i'm still very alive..and i still read ppl's blog daily just that i'm actually too slack to blog on my own.. maybe due to ippt/Rt and gaming ba..hehehe...well i'm here to do some little updating on my life hopefully when few yr have passed i will look back and see what i've done this yr!

Still lovingly with my piggy dearie XD
Rom still on schedule *lol*
Maybe booking MBS hotel for our annivesary ( most prob push to sept )
Life is still neutral for me ...neither up or down atm...
I learn POSB = Piece of Shit Bank
Time move faster when older...
Time is never enough
Sleep is never enough

Planning a Genting getaway again this dec!

Thats about it.. i'm still working atm ..but tired... >_<
hopefully i will get to rest more after next month when all my RT have been settle...hopefully i dun recieved any stupid letter about new ICT etc as well!