Monday, June 14, 2010

Time Time Time


Long time no see Blogger!...yup this past 2 month blog have been really really dull and slow for me..maybe due to the fact i'm back to my old mmorpg habit which always take up 80% of my time...making my time lesser and lesser each day and more tired as well

Hmm nothing new at the moment considering
1)Yup i'm still working
2)You its the same IT job
3)Yes i got slight pay increment
4)Yes i'm still gonna ROM this dec
5)Yup my Gf is still my GF
6)Yup I'm still Cute
7)Yup My car still havent kick the bucket or anything yet
8)Yup i'm still up for Mahjong
9)Yup the current mmorpg i'm playing is BOI ( Battle of the immortal )
10)Yup i'm still blogging

There you have it .. my 10 top Yup ^_^ \/

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lack of Update

Lack of update is a befitting name for my blog at the moment as i've been neglecting the blog for quite awhile due to Battle of the immortal which left me severely drain of mental capability to write something on the blog without straining my health!!!

I manage to draw out the sufficient energy to write my blog today due to tml having a 1 day leave ( friday ) which allow me to have reserve energy to write here today :P

Life is pretty ok..but overspend this month>_< jia lat liao gonna need to withhold spending this 2 month to cover up

Been to malaysia last week for a half day thingie...can say its pretty boring cause 3hr were spend on the traffic jam due to holiday... grrr i wanna go genting now! at least i know i will enjoy myself there ...

Hopefully this month will be pass well but as my RT start june 13..its gonna be pain in the arse 2 month yet again yearly ....

For those who play Battle of the immortal

I'm PrinceTrek on Alantis , Magus lvl 80 at the moment of post in Guild Nerds !