Friday, May 7, 2010

The Girls you shld try to avoid dating ( taken from Stomp )

10 Types of girls you wouldn't want to date:

1. Social ButterflyThis type of girl usually have like 200 friends on their cellphone contact list. They are probably too busy with friends after friends every other day. And usually, they'll probably be dating multiple guy simultaneously and hence, lead to very high chances of cheating on their partners.

2. Princess WannabeBasically as the name implies, a princess wannabe. As their bf, you are expected to do all the work. Like chauffeuring her around, paying for all outing expenses, and giving in to her all the time.

3. "Hard-to-please" MindsetIn short, this type of girls don't usually appreciate what you try to do for her. If you spend 3 days a week with her, she will be angry at asking where is your remaining 4. If you spend 1k on her on monthly salary of 2k, she will be questioning where is the other half.

4. Unreasonable OneSome people just cannot be reasoned with. She wants everything and anything her way. Any other suggestions will not be compromised.

5. Drama Queen/Emo girl "You don't understand what I've been through!", "my life is a misery" are common lines you will hear on drama. Some girls, are just too dramatic to be living in reality.

6. Boy-crazy Girl ,Trust me, don't date them... It's obvious why.

7. Low MoralsGirls who go for ONS, excessive clubbing and dancing sleazily with guys. Or simply don't mind dating a married man. Or perhaps get a sugar daddy?

8. I-am-so-smartThis type of girls, always think they are super clever. They talk-down on you all the time assuming that they can do better in everything.

9. FeministFeminism is a joke, it's not about sexual equality, but about female superiority. If feminists are so obsessed about equality, then make sure you foot your own bills, not expect men to do it for you since it's equality you want.

10. Materialistic WhoresDo you want to go broke? There is no such thing as enough for these girls. They want more, and more, and more.