Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy CNY and byebye 2009 welcome 2010

Tonight will be the last night of 2009...and we will be approaching 2010..time flies.....reaching my 30 this year... my cutness will be reduce slightly but rest assured i'm still cute ^_^ \/

Oh i'm here to shared a very old song i've loved since my secondary time which is about 16 yr ago..

This song depict the pain of being a guy..... wait what?? yes u heard me.... why?

Everytime you hear a romance related song been played... 80% of the song will always say been female is the one who bear the hardship or the guy wrong..singing sorry song to female or anything that put the female at the upper hand.......well...this song let u the life of a underdog male...

Song + lyric by

Hehe inapproiate to post this kind of stuff on NY eve but hey...this is my blog!~! Happy New year all hope the next year will be a great year ciaoz~

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Seems next year going to be a bad year for me.....*aint susprise considering its "Tiger"*

As I was saying, the Tiger Year is heading our way on February 14. This is the last Ox year month you will have for monkeying around at your leisure. Hence, good Monkey mine, I strongly advise you to take every opportunity to travel, dance, sing, make love and overeat. When the Tiger year begins you will be far too occupied trying to keep ends together to be free long enough to squeak out one scratchy verse of Merrily We Roll Along or gnaw the chocolate chips out of a single cookie. The Tiger likes you. Most everybody does. But the Tiger and you often lock horns (to coin a phrase) over the most banal issues. The broken faucet or the dent on that fender, for example. You (and the Tiger) always want to blame each other. Take my advice and use this month of January and the first two weeks in February to play and plan. Do have fun. But draft a schedule for this coming year. List your priorities. I have a strong suspicion you will be needing to make more money. This alone could prove problematic as you have not been in the habit of breaking your neck to make a buck of late. You are also likely in this month of January to run into snags with someone younger. It could be one of your kids or even the child of a friend or neighbor. The onus will be on you as the adult to sort this youngster out. Be patient but firm. Your love life is on the back burner and your health is waiting for you to take some of those hour-long walks on the treadmill that you left behind a hundred years ago.

As can see im gonna run into serveral problem next year... hope i can weather it thru ...tiger....a love hate relationship.... grr

Anyway i'm back in SG hehe fun @ Genting ..but back to work now haiz...hope long weekend come soon ^_^"

Monday, December 21, 2009

Genting 22-25

Yup i'm going Genting tomorrow....after like 4 month ago?...some ppl may ask me why i keep going genting..well all i can say is ..its better to be bored @ a mega shopping center + casino then in singapore ....both places cost the same..but u do not need to travel far..... in term of lodging + enjoyment... just need to take a lift down and viola....mega shopping mall...night life? there's pubbing and casino for u..ktv u have it~ etc and etc...even food is 24hr... and the pure cool air on the mountain especially on year end ahhhh...refreshing.. XD

I'm gonna try win some bears back and if me and my dearie have abundant i dun think we will mind giving away some... "IF" we win alot

ok long story short...... cya guys

ps. Tonight gonna cheong AION hard hard..... before going genting..

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Nice cool night

Its nice to be grazing at the kitchen window at air blowing ur face in the dark....its been awhile since i last do it....


Thursday, December 3, 2009

What is Love?

Love is 4 letter word
Love is how much you shower your attention to that person
Love is unconditional
Love is blind

When you love someone, you don't try to change someone you accept the person as it is
When you love someone, you will always be supportive of that person even it meant against your own better judgement
When you love someone,he/she will always be the priority
When you love someone,it's not stressful to be with him/her daily

Loving someone and puppy love is 2 different thing
One is real love.....the other is just temp love
One can be cherish the other is just temp happiness
You can next mix 2 together you will end up hurting yourself and the other half

To be in love is a happy moment and must always hold on to it till the end of time...
To fall in love is the hardest time in your life cause the certainties involving getting it or losing it
To fall out in love is like the end of the chapter in your want to start anew but the memories of the old chapter still run deep in you

Hehe suddenly wanna post all this dunno why...all is i write one no copy one horr!