Monday, September 28, 2009

Back from Malaysia~

Yup We're back from Malaysia Cameron Highland/Genting :)
The trip is fun except the waiting and travelling part.....5 stars ought to state their waiting time clearly and for those traveling with tour bus to genting please make sure that check in time for Tour i.e 5 Star , grassland etc all those are now 3pm instead of 12pm as 12pm is reserved for inhouse card member only now and the tour checkin is located just one evalator up the place you alight so don't make the same mistake we do...

Cameron highland

1 day 1 night..bascially we take the 55 ringit tour around the farms , catus , strawberry and flowers etc.. hee took alot of pic will upload to facebook soon and my gf concur with my notion about cameron highland is good for 1 visit and will not go again haha


watched 2 movies G-Force and Tsusami ( Korean Movie ) both are nice and recommended for everyone :) And i enjoy myself alot at the casino and i log alot of hours there this time unlike previous visits.... i spend like maybe 5 hour a day on 3 Card poker.. my latest fav @ the casino and i manage to win 400 on the first day only to lose it on the second day i guess no win no lose ...but learnt alot and i'm gonna visit genting again to play again ~~~ 3 Card poker~~~

Health wise....recovering more or less ...but still abit of coughing off and then...and Aion >_< i'm under leveled due to alot of i need to cheong my way up .... meaning less sleep...haiz..what to do cant have best of both world..compromise is the way to go!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Health @ 70%

Yup.. my health is at 70% and my gf.. maybe 80% ?? we both are sick hhaha...hopefully it doesnt affect our next week vacation at cameron highland/genting.....we wanna take more pic hehe to upload to my facebook hehe ^_^" and lets hope no rain during those days also...

I change my seat @ really feeling better ALOT at least 10 times better .. not cold ..and not hot..just nice heee...

Cant wait for friday 6pm to come.. long weekend XD

Monday, September 14, 2009

Back to work .

Wow this is the month that i hardly blog....well because i'm on MC for a week due to fever..and no i have not fully recovered yet..haiz..but i'm at work now..cause i cannot afford to be sick every day and doing nothing at home.. i need time to get out too ...

Hopefully my sickness can be recovered before next week for my vacation ... :)
Nothing much to blog ..hope my dearie who is also sick to recover as well


Monday, September 7, 2009

23-7 = 16 days and counting...

16 days more and we are off to Cameron Highland/Genting for a mini vacation~~it was HK ..but due to the previous post "extra" spending..its highly unlikely we can have the budget to go HK now ..although the money is enough but we need to save for rainy day la~

My dearie say she never been to Cameron so this trip we gonna go there see see look look @ strawberry while me is looking forward to Genting trip so i can gamble and walk around hee..

2 more week!!!...currently nursing a cold which caught me for the pass few days >_< hopefully i'll recover soon!!